Redefining learning experiences with immersive technologies
The world's most comprehensive VR education solution for schools At Umety, we believe that VR enhances learning by allowing students to focus on concepts at their own pace, free from distractions and peer judgment. With formative assessments conducted within the VR environment.

  • Our extensive content library has over 1000+ modules carefully curated to align with educational standards, focusing on STEM subjects, educational tours, and language learning.
  • These modules offer interactive and immersive experiences that captivate students, bringing complex concepts to life. In particular, our STEM modules are meticulously aligned with major curricula from around the world, ensuring that students receive comprehensive and relevant educational content.
  • Designed for 10-15-minute focus, students control their pace while connecting experientially with concepts.
  • ur VR content is specially curated and aligned by our expert team, which ensures that the overall learning experience for the students is immersive, interactive, and inspiring.

UmetyVR Headset

A first-of-its-kind VR device specifically designed for education

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